Ira Khan took to Instagram on Sunday to share a sweet picture of her boyfriend, Nupur Shikhare, and his mother, Pritam Shikhare. Ira shared the picture on the occasion of Pritam Shikhare’s birthday. She drew a heart around the two and wrote, ‘happy birthday.’
The picture featured Nupur and Pritam posing for a picture together. Adorning a pink outfit, Pritam wears a sash with the words, ‘birthday girl.’ The two show off their wide smiles in the picture.
Here’s the picture Ira Khan posted on her Instagram story of Pritam and Nupur Shikhare:
Apart from Ira Khan wishing Pritam, Nupur also took to his Instagram account to extend his wishes to his mother. He posted two goofy pictures of the duo together and wrote, ‘Happy Birthday Mommie.’ Nupur is famously known for being a fitness enthusiast. He posts several workout routines for his followers to refer to. He often takes to social media to post pictures of the progress he has made in his workout journey.
Ira often takes to Instagram to post romantic and lovey-dovey pictures with her boyfriend. Last month she posted several pictures with Nupur. She captioned one of the pictures, ‘He’s such a dramebaaz!’ Nupur then took to the comment section of the picture and wrote, ‘@khan.ira dramebaaz ? Who ? Me ? Nooooo .. no.. nooooooo… Me ? Nooooo… No… Ok may be but I love you na.’
The duo made their relationship public ahead of Valentine’s day. On the occasion of Promise day, a day that falls in the Valentine’s week, Ira posted yet another cute picture of the couple and captioned it, ‘It’s an honour to make promises with and to you.’ Celebrating the day, Ira also posted pictures from their simple at-home Valentine’s day.
Ira however does not plan on following in her father, Aamir Khan’s footsteps. She took on the role of a director in a play titled Euripedes’ Medea in 2019. The play starred Hazel Keech in the lead role. In an interview with a leading daily, Ira mentioned that she is most comfortable working off-screen and behind the camera.
Picture Credits: Khanira-Instagram
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