In the episode’s closing moments, we get the satisfying revelation that Liv has gotten revenge on her tormentors. She visits Matt in prison where he’s awaiting trial for the murder of his friends. He desperately begs Liv for money and warns her that Ba’al is real. Although she calls his claims unbelievable, we soon find out that she is now the gaslighter in this relationship.
Back at Liv’s home, Ba’al appears to her. A flashback reveals that while Bernadette believed the demon banishing spell she gave Liv was nothing but hokum, it was actually a powerful incantation that could summon the god. Liv didn’t learn this until she tried the ceremony in her cell at the psychiatric hospital and brought Ba’al forth. Although it’s never explicitly stated in the episode, we can assume that in summoning the real Ba’al, Liv realized that the previous supernatural happenings had been faked and then sent the deity after Matt’s friends to get her bloody retribution.
The episode ends with Liv promising Ba’al that she’ll release him back to the supernatural realm after he gives her another baby. “American Horror Stories” may be one-off stories but this ending does leave an intriguing door open for future installments. Two things that are common in the “American Horror Story” franchise are crossovers between seasons and children that are the products of copulation between humans and supernatural beings.
As Ba’al climbs into Liv’s bed to bestow her with a child, we have to wonder if their offspring will appear in either another “American Horror Stories” episode or even as a player in an “American Horror Story” season. It’s too soon to say for sure, but keep your eyes peeled for Ba’al Jr. in future installments.