Retirement tips come your way every Sunday on 9&10 News at 11:30 a.m. on the show, Retiring Well.
This week they’ll be talking about the three questions you need to answer for success, and why you might choose a Roth IRA over a traditional one.
“You put in with after-tax dollars so you’ve got to pay the tax on the money when you contribute,” said said Larry Flynn, Centennial Wealth financial advisor. ” Grows tax-deferred, and then somewhere down the road when you want to use it for income it’s not taxable. So if I’m a young taxpayer and I can grow that thing over the years, that’s a nice bucket of money to have at the end that’s completely tax-free.”
Retiring well is put on by Centennial Wealth Advisory. You can catch it right here on 9&10 at 11:30 Sunday morning.
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