If you've got more bills than money, the usual advice is to trim expenses and find additional income. But some ways of raising cash can be a lot more expensive than others. Here are four that should be avoided, if possible, and what to consider instead. BEWARE RAIDING A RETIREMENT PLAN A big chunk of the money contributed to retirement plans leaks out as … [Read more...] about 4 cash-raising pitfalls (and better options)
Roth IRA
How to Switch Brokers and Successfully Move Investments
The brokerage you use is crucial to your long-term investment success. So if you suspect that your existing provider is… The brokerage you use is crucial to your long-term investment success. So if you suspect that your existing provider is not serving you, switching brokers should be top of mind. Since … [Read more...] about How to Switch Brokers and Successfully Move Investments
Billionaires like Warren Buffett are blowing up this retirement account; you also can
Tycoons like Warren Buffett and PayPal founder Peter Thiel have been hoarding millions or even billions of dollars in tax-sheltered retirement accounts, according to a recent report from ProPublica. Here’s one trick you can easily copy from the world’s wealthiest. After all, it was designed for you in the first place.While lawmakers are promising to close loopholes in the tax … [Read more...] about Billionaires like Warren Buffett are blowing up this retirement account; you also can
3 Unusual Tactics to Retire Wealthy
© Provided by The Motley Fool 3 Unusual Tactics to Retire Wealthy Saving enough for retirement can be a struggle. And if your goal isn't just to scrape by but to retire wealthy, you'll need to do much more than invest 10% of your income for your later years. The good news is, there are a few tactics to try out that can maximize your chances of being in great financial shape … [Read more...] about 3 Unusual Tactics to Retire Wealthy
4 Real Risks of Investing (and What to Do About Them)
If you want to invest without any risk, then the stock market isn't for you. Despite the market's inherent risks, it's still an important piece of the best financial plans. You just need to understand the most important threats involved with investing and set yourself up to safely avoid them. These four risks aren't the only ones that you'll encounter, but they are important … [Read more...] about 4 Real Risks of Investing (and What to Do About Them)